IMG 6099 2 scaled Best friend- memorial tattoo

Best friend- memorial tattoo

Throughout my art, I retell the stories of people,

it is a challenge to find  a way to sum up all those emotions, memories and hopes in one design.

Max came to me for a consultation about his tattoo, and he told me that he has lost his best friend and he wanted to honor his friend’s memory with a tattoo of two skeletons reaching out for each other.

I was deeply touched by his story.

It is hard to imagine the pain of loosing a dear friend, For max having this tattoo was a way to cope with his loss.

My first thought was to illustrate these two skeletons trying to reach out for each others through a portal in space between worlds.

On the day of the tattoo session, once I showed Max the design he immediately connected with it and was excited and happy to get it.

best friend memorial tattoo
best friend memorial tattoo
IMG 6099 2 Best friend- memorial tattoo

It is such an honor for me that people share their deep valuable emotions with me, and to trust me to tell their stories through my art, and help them overcome hard times.

Comments: 2

  • Lily

    What a token of respect!

  • Mario

    I hope this tattoo has helped with honouring the memory of your friend ! Nice job Hossam.

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